Wunderful apps for productivity//

Account managers have a reputation for being highly organised and juggling multiple projects at a time. I’m one of those people that can’t do that without some form of to-do list.
Over the past 15 years I have had varying ways of writing this list and then prioritising the tasks within it. Fed up of the repetition of writing my list out and then prioritising by highlighter pen as I usually do, I was pondering whether there were any apps for productivity out there which may help me.
So, I entered the app store and typed in ‘to-do list’ to see what came up. As usual, there were quite a few choices to look at. Not knowing which one was any good I had a look at the reviews and articles out there on t’internet and plumped for ‘Wunderlist’ – I liked the look of it and the functionality it promised.
I’d like to point out at this stage that I am not paid to endorse this app (or any of the others mentioned below). There are plenty of alternatives out there, but I think Wunderlist is truly wunderful! By typing in your task and a due date you can ensure you don’t miss anything important (no dropping balls here) and the best part for me is the ‘Today’ list which gives you your to-do list for the day at the click of a button.
This may seem trivial to most people but I have always been slightly envious of creative teams with their schedules and knowing at a glance what they need to be working on that day. For most account managers our to-do lists are moveable feasts so when I discovered that you can drag and move your tasks around your week with this app I was sold on it. Now my ‘Today’ list is always up to date, I can re-prioritise very easily and see all my tasks for the week at a glance – heaven!
This enlightening experience whetted my appetite for more…what other apps were out there for the taking?…what else could help my productivity?
Back to the app store I went and was completely overwhelmed by the plethora of apps out there. After much experimentation and in the hope of avoiding app overkill (how many do we really have time to use?) I’d like to share with you my top 2 apps for productivity:-
- Wunderlist
For all the reasons I have mentioned above
- Scanner Pro
A really handy one for work which allows you to quickly scan and save a document or visuals as a pdf. You can edit the scans and save the documents to Google Drive, One Drive, iCloud, Dropbox and Evernote. Its interface is easy to use and looks really slick. The only downside is that it is only available on iOS devices at the moment but if you’ve got an iPhone it’s a great tool to have when you’re out and about at meetings.
Having found these apps useful at work I now use some of them at home too. In fact, I have enthused about Wunderlist so much that even my mother in law has now adopted it!
The marketeer in me is fascinated by my own venture into app-land – a classic user journey starting with a need, illustrating Google’s ‘zero moment of truth’ theory and the importance of having the right content out there at the right time, when people are looking for it…but that’s a whole other blog. Now if you’ll excuse me, my to-do list is calling.