What goes wood, tin, crystal, china?//

One minute, and how serendipitous is this, Manchester United were winning the FA Cup and Take That were splitting up, while three other chaps were coming together to form a new advertising agency in, wait for it, 1996.
And, twenty years later, here we are: Factor 3 about to celebrate what I’ve been informed is our china anniversary. Apparently we zoomed straight past paper, wood, sugar, tin and several other slightly tackier milestones.
So, how does it feel and what does it all mean? Well, when I look in the mirror, I can see all those years etched into the face of the person looking back. But in my heart, honestly, it feels the same. A little more self-confident perhaps, a little more sanguine when things don’t quite go our way, but no less excited about winning business, about serving clients well, and about assembling a team who feel inspired to give their best and enjoy being here. From the off, our motto was ‘work hard and be nice to people’, and it still is.
So what now? Well, as anyone who has got to know us over these many years will know, we don’t need much of an excuse for a party. And, let’s face it, this is a doozie of an excuse. So, we’ll be celebrating, shamelessly reminiscing, saying thank you, and sharing (and possibly oversharing) the memories, milestones, clients, work and events which have got us here. Perhaps reminding ourselves along the way of what we’ve been doing right to survive and thrive.
We’ve even created this rather fetching birthday graphic, so you’ll recognise stuff when it comes along over the next few months.
To be going on with, here are three factors that influenced why and how we do what we do. And I make no apology for them being from stalwarts of the business – after all, after 20 years we are stalwarts ourselves.