The IPA Centenary celebrations//

The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising is celebrating its Centenary this month. Originally established in 1917, in response to a request from the Government of the day to help with their recruitment and propaganda efforts, it has grown to be the world’s most influential professional body for practitioners in advertising and marketing communications.
To mark the occasion, they’ve created this 60 second sequence that celebrates the best adverts of all time and held a four-day festival charting the very best of British advertising’s achievements. Please find videos and photos from the event and a virtual tour of the exhibition here.
Given that advertising and marketing is sometimes seen as an industry populated with swathes of unskilled and unqualified, the IPA is genuinely working hard to fulfil its mission to advance the profession.
Coincidentally, we are celebrating 15 years of support, best practice and professional development as IPA Members. 15 years of Bellwether reports, calls to their insight team, poring over their Effectiveness guides, filling in our CPD diaries, attending IPA run training and earnest calls to their advice experts. We, along with our clients, have benefited from their 100 years of experience.
If the IPA were to receive a telegram from the Queen, it’d definitely say, Happy Birthday, you’re doing a great job!
Visit the IPA to see how they help us to help you.