Make someone else’s Christmas better//

It’s the thought counts… but, actually doing something good counts even more!
Life can sometimes be overwhelming and for many Christmas can shine a harsh light on hard times; whether you’re suffering from the accumulated effect of 1,000 inconveniences, or find yourself afflicted by genuine heartfelt loss, there is something you can do to make Christmas better… and that’s to make it better for others.
Whether it’s done for kudos, brownie points, self-reflection, genuine kindness of heart or true selfless altruism, thinking of others in dark times is always a good thing, and may well be the greatest tonic for all our troubles.
Here’s a few good causes that we at F3 think could really do with a little attention at this time of year:
- Support CCP – CCP is a Cheltenham-based charity that raises donations, gifts and food hampers for children, homeless young people and those living in poverty, who often feel forgotten and alone at this time of year.
To help or find out more, visit or alternatively there’s Shelter, Crisis and The Salvation army. - Take a little time to think of the elderly. Few have been so isolated as the elderly during this pandemic; it’s time to spread a little joy and support whether it’s a call, a card or a lifeline through charitable support.
Visit to find out more. - Shop local. Support the high-street.
Buy from bricks and mortar!Amazon does NOT need your money, they don’t care how your presents turn up, they don’t care whether we face a future with no independent shops, or even a high-street to browse; yes, it’s convenient in the short-term, but, the result is that all those independent shops we love have suffered during this pandemic, with little sign of recovery. Lockdown has benefitted many online giants and bought bricks and mortar stores to the brink… we don’t want to see a world where a high-street, once filled with books, clothes, toys, tools and tech, are replaced by yet another Costa, Pret, or betting shop. - Support the arts – Put simply, we haven’t been able to attend theatres, concerts or exhibitions in recent ties. The arts, on the whole, haven’t universally received the same government support as other commercial endeavours; so, do what you can to help our continued cultural education for the future, by looking into how you can support a venue, or organisation you appreciate.
- Commission a craftsman.
- If you can, get your hair and beauty treatments done – preferably by an independent trader or local business.
- Consider what you share on social media – not everyone will have the benefit of a rich bounty this year.
- Reach out to friends, family and colleagues – appearances can be deceiving, a simple message or call can do more than you think
- Be positive and polite – the smallest act can have a great affect.
We hope you have a wonderful Christmas, but even more, we hope you have the opportunity (if only in the smallest way) to make someone else’s Christmas wonderful too.