Help us spread a little joy this Christmas//

Much like the reformed Scrooge, at Factor 3 we try to keep the Spirit of Christmas in our hearts all year round, which is why this Christmas we’ll be supporting CCP’s Christmas Giving Scheme, Hamper Scamper.
Hamper Scamper is a Gloucestershire-based scheme that works hard to raise donations, gifts and food hampers for children, homeless young people and people living in poverty; because no one should feel alone or forgotten at this time of year.
To spread a little joy this year, we will pledge £1 for every ‘Like’, ‘Comment’ or ‘Share’ on our Facebook page* received between 20th November and 18th December 2015.
If you’d like to make a personal donation to Hamper Scamper, you can either go online to or to make a donation of £5 text HAMP33_£5 to 70070. Find out more at
*Excludes Factor 3 employee interactions. Maximum donation fund value £250