B2B Marketing. 2nd Best?//

Over the years, one thing our cumulative experience has taught us here at Factor 3, is that applying a common approach to B2C and B2B marketing pays dividends.
Some agencies – and for that matter some B2B companies themselves – see B2B marketing as a poor relation to the more glamorous B2C brand fraternity. We believe that applying classic marketing principles and innovative marketing techniques can combine to drive success for even the most specialist B2B brands.
To demonstrate the point, we have produced a brochure that showcases what we have created for our B2B clients – both offline and online – including how we’ve approached the tasks and the results we’ve helped to achieve.
Thermal coatings, drainage systems, construction, telecoms, facilities management, footwear components and other examples, underline the point that there’s no such thing as a boring product or service when it comes to marketing, and when it comes to Factor 3.
To make your B2B marketing better, download a complimentary copy today and get in touch.