Apply for work experience at Factor 3//

We are inundated by requests from students and conscientious parents (on behalf of their offspring) for work experience at Factor 3. And, while we have a structure and schedule of activity in place to ensure that he or she gets as much as they can from their time with us, the rationale behind saying yes or no is a bit ad hoc to say the least: “How busy are we? Do we have anyone else in? Is there a free desk? Who has capacity to mentor them while they’re here? Will they bring cake?”
Also, as we almost never get to meet the students in advance, we have no idea whether we’re going to be enjoying the company of a student who is genuinely interested in advertising / design / digital marketing and will throw themselves wholeheartedly into the week or someone who’s just box ticking and will spend their time in a monosyllabic fog.
Why we offer work experience
From a student’s perspective, I can see the benefits of work experience. It can put all that theory you’ve learnt into practice, make you more commercially aware and help shape your decision to pursue a particular career. In addition, it enhances your CV and allows you to make some potentially fruitful industry contacts.
For us it allows us to give something back; meet the next generation of designers and account handlers while investing in the future of the industry – our industry – partly offering work placement but also through working with the University of Gloucestershire with whom our Creative Director sets challenging creative briefs every year.
Work for your experience
It has been another record year for places this year and as a result we’ve decided to continue the process, ensuring all requests are channelled through one contact and enhancing the experience to ensure each student can be fully immersed in his/her chosen placement.
Who can apply?
We take applications from Gloucestershire-based students, currently in year 10 to year 13.
How to apply for work experience at Factor 3
We offer four placements per year – two in June/July and two in March/April. Two will be in our creative team – one designer and one copywriter – and two will be in our client servicing team – one account manager and one digital / social media manager.
If you’d like to apply for a place in 2020, we’d like you to critique an ad, explaining why you love or hate it and why you think it works or doesn’t. It should be no more than 600 words and emailed, along with our application form to
The application deadlines for 2020 placements are 3rd January 2020 for March/April and 3rd April 2020 for June/July. Shortlisted candidates will be notified one week later and may be invited in to discuss their submissions the following week. Selected candidates will be confirmed shortly afterwards.
Good luck!