5 tips for making the most of Adwords’ expanded text ads//

As of 31st January 2017 you are only able to create and edit text ads using the expanded text ad format. Expanded text ad formats give you more space for your ad text and are designed for optimal mobile performance.
There are a few key differences between the new text ad format and the old format:
- Expanded text ads have two headline fields instead of one, each with a 30-character limit
- The two description lines have been merged into one field. Instead of the two 35-character description lines, you now get one 80-character description space
- You no longer have to enter your display URL, instead AdWords will use the domain from your Final URL to show as your Display URL. The Display URL can include two optional ‘Path’ fields.
Below are our top 5 tips for making the most out of the new expanded text ad format:
1. Don’t just add to old text ads – rewrite!
Although tempting to just add an extra headline to your existing text ads or adding a little more into your descriptions, take the opportunity to re-think the message that you want to get across to searchers. Extra characters increase the clickable space of your ads – rewriting your text ads will ensure that you take advantage of the larger character limits. We have created an Excel template tool to help you write new expanded text ads.
2. Focus on your headlines
Searchers are most likely to read the headline of your ad. When viewed on desktop your headline fields are combined using a hyphen, on mobile, the headline may wrap beyond the first line. Ensure that text ad headlines are compelling, include your keywords and are easy to read for all devices
Expanded ad text on a mobile device
Expanded ad text on a desktop device
3. Use the path fields
Although optional it is worth using these fields, make sure to include keywords in the path fields. Including keywords in the space will not only reassure searchers that your ad will take them to the right page it can increase your quality score
4. Don’t pause your old ads right away
When you create your first expanded text ads run them alongside your current, old format ads. This allows you time to test and learn, and once the performance of your expanded ads is comfortably better than the old ones, you can pause your old ads
5. Experiment
Create 3-5 text ads per ad group. Try different variations of your text ads to see which performs best
Feel ready to update your existing ads? Download our Excel template for AdWords Expanded Text Ads (it’s a useful tool that will help you make the most of the expanded text ad format) and read our other blog on how to write effective text ads.
Don’t forget, Factor 3 is a Google Partner so get in touch for help with your Adwords accounts.
Make the most of expanded text ads with our top tips and our text ads template download: https://t.co/VxXhOypTvj pic.twitter.com/g5MDBqDbgC
— Factor 3 (@Factor3Tweets) March 31, 2017