A lot can happen over the course of 20 years; in fact, 20 years ago a couple of members of our team were not long potty trained, and certainly not yet savvy in the ways of hard selling and hard drinking. So after 20 years of Factor 3, we decided to sit down with Adrian […]
Making the decision to attend your industry’s major trade show is a significant commitment – in terms of both time and money. So, you’re probably in search of some top tips for exhibition success in order to ensure that your attendance pays back (as any marketing investment should). We’ve recently been intimately involved in a […]
One minute, and how serendipitous is this, Manchester United were winning the FA Cup and Take That were splitting up, while three other chaps were coming together to form a new advertising agency in, wait for it, 1996. And, twenty years later, here we are: Factor 3 about to celebrate what I’ve been informed is […]