Knowledge is power, apparently. If that’s true then anyone with access to Google can consider themselves pretty formidable. Given that 71% of the UK population have smart phones* and almost 46% have tablets*, we should be a growing nation of geniuses. In the olden days, when everything was black and white and you could leave […]
One of the things I think that makes Factor 3 a little different, a little nicer and a lot more valuable as a marketing partner is that, no matter what the question from a client, we’ll always try to find a way to say yes because we recognise that if a client’s asking, it’s important to […]
No, I’m not talking about your two-a-penny, wafer thin sheets of shiny paper, which get turfed into the recycling bin en masse each morning without even so much as an indirect glance (God, no); I’m talking about a decent mailer with production values and targeting served up in equal measure. So, which is more effective: […]